We are very grateful for being selected again to take part as a mentoring organisation in the Google Summer of Code, now for the third year running. If you are a student who would like to be paid to work on open source during the summer, then take a look at the lowRISC ideas list and apply. The deadline for applications is 4pm UTC on April 3rd. We’re always very interested in ideas suggested by students, and encourage you to share them on our discussion list for feedback before making a proposal.

Contact us

lowRISC is a not-for-profit company using collaborative engineering to develop and maintain open source silicon designs and tools, through a unique combination of skills, expertise and vision.

We provide a home for multi-partner projects that deliver verified, high quality IP and tools, which provide the solid foundations that are necessary for the rapid development cycles required for next generation silicon products. lowRISC employs an engineering team in Cambridge, UK, working on our own developments, partner projects, and work-for-hire that is aligned with our mission.


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