The 2016 Google Summer of Code is now underway and we’re delighted to be working with five students, covering a variety of interesting projects. They have all introduced themselves over the past few weeks on our project mailing list. Many thanks to everyone who applied, to the mentors who volunteered, and to Google for sponsoring this programme. If your application was unsuccessful, I hope you’ll try again next year.
The projects for lowRISC in the 2016 GSoC are:
- Porting the Arduino library to RISC-V (PULPino). Mahmoud Elmohr, mentored by Andreas Traber
- Implementing an open-source DDRx controller. Bittu N, mentored by Wei Song
- Porting Musl libc to RISC-V. Masanori Ogino, mentored by Rich Felker. See Masanori’s first status update
- Porting the OP-TEE Trusted Execution Environment to the lowRISC platform.Rahul S Mahadev, mentored by Stefan Wallentowitz. See Rahul’s blog post on starting this project.
- Porting the xv6 teaching operating system to the lowRISC platform. Jeff Rogers, mentored by Alex Bradbury
Contact us
lowRISC is a not-for-profit company using collaborative engineering to develop and maintain open source silicon designs and tools, through a unique combination of skills, expertise and vision.
We provide a home for multi-partner projects that deliver verified, high quality IP and tools, which provide the solid foundations that are necessary for the rapid development cycles required for next generation silicon products. lowRISC employs an engineering team in Cambridge, UK, working on our own developments, partner projects, and work-for-hire that is aligned with our mission.