lowRISC project ideas for GSoC 2016

lowRISC is taking part in the 2016 Google Summer of Code as a mentoring organisation. We are working with a number of our friends in the open source hardware community, acting as an ‘umbrella’ organisation to provide a wider range of projects. For an introduction to GSoC, see the GSoC FAQ. You can find our GSoC organisation page here. See the full program timeline for key dates. Student applications are open between March 14th and March 25th.
See last year’s idea list for more potential projects. We also recommend you check out the projects being mentored by our friends at the FOSSi Foundation. Additional projects mentored by other organisations that may benefit lowRISC and the open source hardware eocsystem include multi-threaded TCG in QEMU, developing a RISC-V processor model for ArchC, improving the RISC-V port of Coreboot, or working on cross-bootstrap in Debian. Also see the MyHDL projects.
Project ideas (in no particular order)
Your project here
If you have a project idea relevant to lowRISC, don’t worry that it’s not listed here. For a good student with an interesting project we’ll almost definitely have an appropriate mentor. You are strongly recommended to get in touch either on the mailing list or directly to discuss the idea though. Some projects might be better handled under a different mentoring organisation, e.g. a PyPy port to RISC-V would make more sense under the Python Software Foundation.
Porting musl libc to RISC-V
Summary: Create a port of the musl libc to RISC-V 32-bit and 64-bit.
Musl is an MIT-licensed libc implementation with excellent support for static linking. It has been used by a number of lightweight Linux distributions, most prominently Alpine. This project would involve porting musl to the 32-bit and 64-bit RISC-V instruction set architecture. An unoptimised port should require less than 1KLOC, so after achieving this initial milestone time should be spent both building out the musl benchmark suite and implementing optimised implementations for key functions. A partially complete port of Musl is actually available here, so although there will be work in completing a port and preparing it for upstreaming, we are particularly interested in proposals that go beyond a functioning port and consider interesting things that could be done regarding testing, benchmarking, and so on.
Skill level: intermediate
Language: C
Mentor: Rich Felker dalias@libc.org
Improve device-tree support for the Linux RISC-V port
Summary: Implement solid, well-tested device-tree support for the Linux RISC-V port.
The Linux RISC-V port is currently fairly barebones, and makes use of the host-target interface (HTIF) for most I/O. This project would involve cleaning it up, ensuring there is good support for instantiating devices using device-tree, and thoroughly testing this through modifications to the bootloader and to QEMU.
Skill level: intermediate/advanced
Language: C
Mentor: Roy Spliet rs855@cam.ac.uk
Contributions to the Yosys ecosystem
Yosys is a framework for Verilog RTL synthesis. The following list is incomplete and is meant to inspire student proposals. Do not simply pick one of the projects on this list! We are interested in genuinely original student proposals. Please contact Clifford Wolf early in the process to discuss your ideas.
Ideas regarding Project IceStorm (the FOSS iCE40 FPGA flow)
- Improvements in Arachne-pnr place and route tool, such as
- Analytical (e.g. quadratic wirelength) placement
- Support for LUT cascade feature
- Support for BRAM cascade feature
- Improved inference of
cells - Timing driven place and route
- Speedups (OpenCL?)
- Alternative iCE40 place and route flow (e.g. using VPR/VTR)
- Additional support for more iCE40 devices (e.g. UltraLite)
- In-hardware validation flow for chip databases
Ideas regarding Yosys
- Additional front- and back-ends
- New architectures (e.g. additional FPGA families)
- New non-synthesis flows (verification, etc.)
- New yosys commands and other features
Ideas regarding YosysJS
- Interactive schematic viewer running in the web browser
- Puzzle games and other web-based Verilog training tools
- Port of Icarus Verilog to JavaScript (using EMCC)
Skill level: intermediate/advanced
Language: C++, Javascript
Mentor: Clifford Wolf clifford@clifford.at
Port a teaching operating system to the lowRISC platform
Summary: Port a teaching OS such as XINU or Xv6 to RISC-V and lowRISC
Xv6 and XINU are both compact, easy to understand implementations of a Unix-like operating system. Porting one of these to RISC-V and to the lowRISC platform will help to enable its use in teaching, and also open up the possibilities for courses that deal with modifications across the whole hardware and software stack (e.g. implementing a new OS feature, and modifying the underlying hardware to better support it).
Skill level: intermediate/advanced
Language: C
Mentor: Alex Bradbury asb@lowrisc.org
Integrate more open-source IP for lowRISC on FPGAs
Summary: Introduce open-source IP for components such as UART, SPI, and the memory controller.
The current untethered lowRISC release makes use of Xilinx IP for its memory controller, SPI controller, and UART. Replacing these with open-source IP from OpenCores or elsewhere would allow customisation of the whole system, and may be a useful step towards supporting the untethered lowRISC design on Altera FPGAs. A useful starting point would likely be to study what IP is currently available and to assess its quality.
Skill level: intermediate/advanced
Language: Verilog/VHDL and Chisel
Mentor: Wei Song ws327@cam.ac.uk
Implement a Trusted Execution Environment
Summary: Port an existing open-source Trusted Execution Environment to the lowRISC platform.
A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) runs in parallel to the general purpose OS (‘Rich OS’) like Linux and executes security-sensitive tasks. Global Platform has standardized TEE and OP-TEE is an open-source GP-compliant TEE, which seems like a good target for porting to RISC-V and the lowRISC minion cores. There are different options to implement the TEE and another important component is the trusted firmware to boot both the secure and the non-secure world. It is also thinkable to port OP-TEE as components running on an L4 Microkernel, such as seL4 which has been ported in last years GSoC.
This project is potentially very large and it is important to discuss alternatives and define a good subset in the discussion with us before applying.
Skill level: advanced
Language: C
Mentor: Stefan Wallentowitz stefan@simless.com
Trace-debug analysis tool
Summary: Implement a client program to usefully analyse trace debug data.
We are currently working on implementing trace debug support in to the lowRISC SoC. This provides a powerful way to debug complicated multi-threaded applications as well as to help diagnose hardware implementation issues. This project would involve implementing a program on Linux to parse this data and present it in a useful way to aid debugging. We’re open to proposals using the language and UI toolkit of your preference, but think TypeScript and Electron would form a particularly interesting starting point.
Skill level: intermediate
Language: Your choice (C++, Python, TypeScript, ..?)
Mentor: Stefan Wallentowitz stefan@wallentowitz.de and Bruce Mitchener bruce.mitchener@gmail.com
Generic hardware/software interface for software-defined radio
Summary: Identify and implement useful hardware blocks to support software-defined radio.
The lowRISC project employs a configurable I/O-Subsystem for low speed I/O. This project hops to provide something similar for wireless connectivity (2.5G, Wifi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc.). The goal is to define a minimal subset of hardware elements as building blocks, so that they can be controlled and configured for different wireless standards.
Skill level: advanced
Language: Verilog/VHDL/Chisel, C
Mentor: Stefan Wallentowitz stefan@simless.com and David May david@simless.com
Implement a SPIR-V front end for Nyuzi
Summary: Support the new SPIR-V intermediate language for the Nyuzi GPGPU.
SPIR-V is an intermediate language for parallel computation. Supporting SPIR-V on Nyuzi would allow a variety of parallel languages to target it. There is already an LLVM back-end for Nyuzi, so this task would consist of writing a front end that parses SPIR-V and converts it to the LLVM intermediate code form, using Nyuzi specific intrinsics for handling branch divergence.
- Nyuzi GPGPU
- A description of handling branch divergence using the Nyuzi LLVM backend
- Sample code for a parallel language front-end on Nyuzi
- Source code for SPIR-V tools
Skill level: advanced
Language: C++
Mentor: Jeff Bush jeffbush001@gmail.com
Port an operating system kernel to Nyuzi
Summary: Port an OS kernel of your choice to the Nyuzi GPGPU to put the recently added MMU and supervisor mode through its paces.
Nyuzi currently runs programs on bare metal and doesn’t have a real operating system. Supervisor mode and MMU support have recently been implemented in hardware. Porting an operating system would be useful both to test the hardware implementation and to enable more complex use cases.
This project would consist of:
- Selecting an operating system such as FreeBSD or L4, or potentially creating a custom OS (Linux may be challenging because of its size and because it is heavily GCC dependent and Nyuzi uses an LLVM based toolchain). Ideally, the kernel should support virtual memory, multiple processes, and system/user mode.
- Writing Nyuzi specific drivers and BSP code for it, – Bring up and debugging it in the emulator and Verilog simulation (or, as a bonus, on FPGA)
- Potentially fixing hardware bugs and adding new hardware features if needed
Skill level: advanced
Language: C
Mentor: Jeff Bush jeffbush001@gmail.com
Summary: Implement a subset of the ARM CMSIS DSP library on the Pulpino platform
Pulpino is an open-source design containing a 32-bit RISC-V implementation enhanced with DSP extensions. The ARM CMSIS DSP library is a set of common signal processing functions. The implementation will consist in selecting a reasonable subset of the library, implementing it on Pulpino, finely optimizing it to take advantage of PULP’s DSP extensions, and benchmarking it against an ARM implementation on a Cortex M4. This will help measuring the impact of the existing extensions and drive future extensions. The work could also be extended to the parallelization of this subset on the Pulp platform.
Skill level: intermediate
Language: C
Mentor: Germain Haugou haugoug@iis.ee.ethz.ch
Doom on PULPino
Summary: Porting DOOM on the PULPino platform
In this project, we set the challenging objective of porting the DOOM game to PULPino – an open-source microcontroller platform based on a 32-bit RISC-V implementation with DSP extensions. The project will consist in 1) porting the main game engine on RISC-V, optimizing it by means of the PULPino DSP extensions; 2) test it using an artificial set of inputs, such as mouse data collected from running DOOM on a normal workstation, and check consistency with the expected outputs, 3) design of a simple interface for the Zedboard version of PULPino in Vivado, to enable using simple buttons for the input and a compatible HDMI display for the output.
The project could easily be extended to provide a more advanced interface (e.g. a mouse) if you are interested in HW design.
Skill level: intermediate/high
Language: C, some Vivado FPGA work (no or very small amount of RTL coding)
Mentor: Francesco Conti f.conti@unibo.it
Arduino to Pulpino library porting
Summary: Porting the Arduino software libraries to PULPino.
PULPino is a small RISC-V based platform that has been published as open-source recently. The platform is using a highly optimized RISC-V core and contains all the necessary peripherals usually found on modern microcontrollers including SPI, I2C, GPIO and UART. PULPino is currently available for RTL simulation, FPGA (ZedBoard) and a first low-volume test chip was taped out in January. The goal of this project is to make PULPino compatible with the Arduino ecosystem and port the required libraries to the PULPino RISC-V platform. If time permits a PCB for the test-chip can be created during the project and/or some applications using the Arduino compatibility layer can be developed.
Skill level: intermediate
Language: C/C++
Mentor: Andreas Traber atraber@iis.ee.ethz.ch